Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. Hope each one had a good Christmas. This past year has been exciting. There have been rumors of some stores not having enough food on their shelves. Some companies are going out of business due to inflation and difficulty shipping items go other parts of the country. There have been hurricanes on the east coast, as well as flooding. Do you think the world is about to end?

 It's very possible. Only the Lord knows what will happen in the future. One thing's for sure. The return of Christ is closer than ever before. The signs are pointing for his glorious return. He's the King of kings and Lord of lords. He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He's the Savior of the world. He was born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose from the grave, and ascended up into heaven. And he will come back for his Bride to take us to heaven to live with him for eternity.

Aren't you glad no one can find him in the grave? Go look into Mohommed's grave. All you see are bones. Even Budha remains in the grave. The only tomb that doesn't have anyone in there is Jesus. For he rose from the grave. The Roman soldiers started the lie, saying the disciples stole Jesus' body from the grave and hid it. How can that happen if people saw him walking on the earth three days after his burial? I'm here to tell you the Lord Jesus is alive and well, and he's coming back to take us to heaven.

We just celebrated Christ's birthday on Christmas day. Do you know when he was truly born? There are various theories as to when he was born. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that he lives in our hearts. It's amazing that the Lord is so big he holds the world together, including the universe, in his hands, but yet small enough to live within our hearts. 

Guess what? He may rapture us tonight before midnight. And we won't have to live in this world that's filled with so much trouble, war, and chaos. Country fighting country. Races fighting each other. Destruction on every hand. Russia, Iran, and China surrounding Israel through their allies. Just waiting for the chance to destroy the Jews. But God! will not allow anyone to defeat his chosen people.

Are you ready to meet him in the air? If not, then give your hearts and lives to Jesus. Confess your sins and come to him right now. He will never leave or forsake you. Your family/friends may turn against you. But Christ will go with you through the turmoil. 

If you're not walking as close as you can, then turn to him. He will be right by your side. You can tell him anything. I know what I'm talking about. I have fought him for months about writing for him. I turned a deaf ear. I allowed my thoughts to travel in different directions. But Jesus kept knocking at my heart's door. I finally let him back into my heart. Aren't you glad he saves us from sin? Aren't you glad he never gives up on us? Praise the Lord. 

I could go on and on. Come to him now with all your heart. See you next year. 

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