Monday, January 9, 2023

What Will You Do With Jesus?


Two thousand twenty-two is gone, and we're now in the year two thousand twenty-three. What a year we went through. We tend to look at the new year as though all the heartaches and trouble from last year will disappear. The new year is a clean slate.

I wish that was the case. Unfortunately, long term diseases such as cancer can linger on into the new year. Nations continue to be at war with each other. Our nation continues to have exorbitant inflation. Last week as I prepared my grocery list and looked at some of the prices online, I was shocked. Yes, I knew the price of groceries, gas, and many other things were high. But I was shocked when I learned that one- and one-half dozen eggs cost six dollars. WOW!

So why am I talking in a negative way? It's reality. We're taught in the Bible that everything will get worse. But God! will provide a way out of these conditions. Rather than look at all the bad things happening, let's look on the bright side. 

Everything that's happening is a sign that Christ is coming back for his children. We can't predict when he will return, but when he does, those of us who are Christians will be taken out of all this mess. We'll be safe and secure for all eternity.

But what about those who are left behind? First, right now, before it's too late, you can give your heart and life to Jesus. He will save you from your sins. But can those going through the tribulation be saved? Yes. But like now, you still have to make that final decision. You must choose between Christ or taking the Mark of the Beast. 

If you take the Mark of the Beast, there is no turning back. You will be forever lost. Hell was not created for us. It was created for the devil and his angels. But when we reject Jesus, we're choosing to serve Satan and will be with him in hell for eternity.

That's why I plead for those who are lost to ask Christ to forgive them of their sins. If you're like me and need a closer walk with Jesus, then begin this year spending time alone with the Lord. It's time to decide. What will you do with Jesus?

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