Monday, December 10, 2018

The Reason for the Season

Only couple more weeks till Christmas.  Do you have your presents bought and wrapped?  Did you go into debt to buy the one thing your loved ones wanted? 

So much emphasis is made on the presents, Santa Clause, family, dinner, and how expensive a present you can give to someone.  I noticed automobile businesses are even advertising cars to buy as a Christmas present.
But what is the real meaning of Christmas?  It's about Jesus.  How he came to this earth as a baby, grew up, and died on the cross so we could have eternal life.  Now, there's nothing wrong with buying Christmas presents.  But the emphasis should be on the Reason for the Season.

I know there are those who don't have a lot of money, so presents are hard to come by during this time of year.  I remember as a young adult.  What little money I had was spent on Christmas.  I lived with my parents at the time.  There were no children in the home.  Back then, prices weren't as high as they are now.  Although we thought they were pretty high.  But out of necessity, I adopted a rule which I continue to try to keep.

I would only buy each person one present.  Since my older siblings had their own families, I tried to make Christmas special for my parents.  I would decorate the artificial tree in the living room.  Then decorate the living room.  On Christmas Eve, we would have some finger sandwiches, and eggnog.  I also had some Christmas music playing softly.  We'd have our refreshments, then open the presents.

On Christmas day, instead of trying cook a big dinner for the three of us, we'd get in the car and drive around town, or to the next town, till we found a restaurant that was open.  We'd have lunch then come home.  We didn't go anywhere during the holidays. 

We didn't have much, but we knew the love for each other.  Most importantly, Christ was the emphasis.  It's sad to see people running here and there, buying so many presents. People become stressed out cause they found the one item to give to someone.  Then they spend the next year paying off those presents.  Lets put Christ back into Christmas.  For without Him, we'd truly have nothing. 

For he gave us the best present anyone could ever want: eternal life.  And we don't have to pay for it, for Christ paid it with His life.  It's sad to go through Christmas without peace in your heart that only Christ can give.  If you don't know Him as your Savior, please give your heart and life to Jesus.  Then not only will you have peace in your heart during Christmas, but you'll have peace for eternity.