Monday, December 17, 2018

The Ticking Clock

The clock is ticking, winding down to the last minute.  As we look toward Christmas, I am looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  People have their minds on the festivities of Christmas.  Children are looking for Santa Claus. Looking for presents under the Christmas tree.

Did you know there is another event about to take place as well?  It's called the rapture.  Christ is coming back to take His children home with Him.  All the decorations, food, and presents can't compare to what Christ has prepared for us in Heaven.  And there's no way to describe it. 
We know what day/night Santa is supposed to come each year.  We know he'll have presents for everyone.  We're told all year that we have to be good to get a present from him.  But there is no way that we could ever be good enough on our own to go to Heaven.

Christ could come back this very second.  He could even come Christmas Eve night, for no one would expect Him then.  They'll be expecting Santa Claus.  As we prepare for Christmas, to spend time with family, open presents, eat good food, let's prepare our hearts right now for Christ's return.

Let's make sure we are right with God right now. For if we wait till Christmas, or one second from now, we may wait too long.