Monday, December 3, 2018

Time to Remember

Once before I wrote about the Last Days on this earth: what is known as the End Times.  As I read various articles, listen to various news stations, and look around at all the evil in this world, it makes my heart grieve not only for my family members who are lost, but also those in this nation and world who have been deceived by the devil. And yet, there are many who are hungry for the Word of God.

Unfortunately, those of us who are truly following Christ our Savior, tend to take for granted the precious gift of salvation.  And the precious gift of the Lord's Holy Word. 

Thanksgiving, many are more interested in the food, family, and football games.  And there's nothing wrong with spending time with family on Thanksgiving.  After all, I spent time with family members.

The problem is that so much emphasis is placed on the food, ball games, etc.  Instead of being truly thankful for everything the Lord has given us, we sometimes think of this particular day as Turkey Day. Trust me, I love good food.  And I enjoyed eating Thanksgiving dinner. But guess what comes after Thanksgiving?  That's right. Christmas!

The emphasis of Christmas is about Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin.  He came to earth as a baby to live so he could die for our sins.  And yet, the emphasis in this time of year is on how many gifts and how expensive gifts you can buy for family. Many people go into debt just to get the most expensive gift they can find.  Literal, physical fights have happened in stores on Black Friday just to get that one toy for the children.

As Thanksgiving Day is for remembering the precious gifts given to us by Jesus Christ, so is Christmas for remembering the most precious gift of all: Baby Jesus, who grew to adult hood to die on the cross so we could have the opportunity for eternal life.  And one day very soon, He will come back in the clouds to take His children home to live with Him forever.

Wouldn't it be great if those who are lost would give their hearts and lives to Christ during this special season? And wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world were to put Christ first during Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Come to Him now with all your heart, ask forgiveness of your sins, and make Him Lord in your heart and life.