Monday, January 7, 2019

God Loves Us

Did you know God loves us?  Even when we feel alone and believe no one loves us.  When trials come our way, we feel depressed and anxious, we have so much love from God.  How does He show His love toward us?

First of all, he died for our sins.  How many can say that we could love everyone to the point of dying for their sins?   Maybe for our family, but for a stranger?  Maybe for an acquaintance if we saw they were in danger.  But could you die on a
cross just to save someone from their sins?  I know I couldn't. Not only did he die for us, but he also gave us a love letter: the Bible

How often do you read this love  letter? I know there are times when I allow my daily activities to come ahead of my time alone with God.  Sometimes we walk away from  him.  But guess what?  He hasn't stopped loving us.  He just waits patiently for his children to come home to him.

The  father in the story of the prodigal son is a good example of how our Heavenly Father loves us.  The father in the story kept watching for his son to return home.  Till one day he saw his son slowly coming toward him.  The son was willing to be a hired servant of his father's just to have food, shelter, and clothes.  But that wasn't what the father had in mind.  He embraced his wayward son with love, then restored him to his rightful place in the family.   That's what God the Father does for us when we walk away from him.

That's the reason Jesus came to earth as a baby.  He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would live to die.  And he loved us so much he was willing to die for our sins.  Such an awesome decision.  Could you die on the cross to save others from their sins?