Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Plea

Have you looked around at the world today?  Do you see all the wickedness?  Have you listened to the news lately?  Did you know that our Heavenly Father is weeping for the sins of the people?

There is so much going on.  All the hatred, discontent, lying, cheating, abuse.  This world is coming apart at the seams.  Especially this country.  There is so much danger, natural disasters.  It becomes overwhelming.  Our country has become like ancient Israel.
During what is known as the Old Testament times, Israel sacrificed their babies to an idol.  They spat in the Lord's face.  Shook their fists in his face.  But He gave them so many opportunities to return to Him.  Like Israel, we are killing our babies.  We're telling our children they are no longer loved.  Rather than give their babies to someone who loves and wants children, parents had rather torture their children.  Abuse them not only physically but mentally as well.

God our Father is calling us as a nation to return to Him.  He is pleading.  He's sending His servants, pastors, teachers, writers, every child of His.  We're being called to reach the lost.  We're being called to the masses. 

Please understand there is still hope.  All we have to do is admit that we are sinners.  Believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior.  Confess our sins to Him.  And ask Him to come into our hearts. 

He's coming back soon to take us to Heaven, where we will live with Him forever. If you are a Christian and have left the fold, come back to Him.  He truly wants the best for us.  He's preparing a home for us in Heaven.  How can we stand by and not receive Him as our Savior?  Come to Him with all your heart.  He's waiting for you with open arms.