Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Examining Ourselves

This morning, as I was having my coffee, I started wondering what would happen if I truly committed everything to the Lord.  So often we get into a rut.  We become complacent, going through the motions.  Or we allow our past to keep us from moving forward.

That's where I have been for quite some time.  I'll be the first to admit that everyone goes through many trials, disappointments. But when someone goes through these things and then somehow seems to be successful from man's view point, it seems a bit overwhelming.  We should never compare ourselves to others, or work for the Lord.

So I began asking the Lord what would happen if I truly gave and committed everything to Him.  No excuses.  Follow through on the ministries He has given to me through music and writing.  What would happen if I gave Him my physical strength, emotions? What if I gave him my possessions?

We give these things to Him.  We believe we have given them to Him.  But when you get to the point that you allow other things, other people, out past, to determine how we worship God, how we obey Him, we need to examine ourselves.

What about our physical needs?  Do we eat right so our bodies get the nourishment needed to perform each task? Do we get enough rest for the strength/energy to do things the next day? So many times we give these to the Lord but then take them back. I am very guilty of not taking care of myself the way I should physically.

After Christ rose from the grave and ascended back to Heaven, the apostles trusted the Lord for everything. They allowed the Lord to use them to heal the sick. They preached the gospel everywhere they went.  No matter who they saw, the gospel was given to others.  And when people got saved, or healed, they began to tell others how the Lord rescued them.

I am looking forward to spreading the Word of God to others through the ministry He has given me.  The gift of writing and music.  I have determined within myself to do all that needs to be done through Christ Jesus.

Are you struggling with daily activities? Are you becoming complacent in your worship? Struggling to even have the desire to go to the house of God?  Give it all to Jesus.  And everytime you start to let other things, your past, slow you down in working for Jesus, give it back to Him again.  He'll give each of us what we need to obey Him.