Wednesday, October 18, 2023


As you can see, I wrote this article two years ago. I think the message continues to be the same.                         

Do you sense a difference in our country? Most everyone who at least reads or hear the headlines know there is many things going on our world. There are wildfires burning in at least ten different states, but the worst ones which we hear about are in California and Oregon. Whether they were started by arsonists, campfires, or nature, the fires are burning out of control. The first responders are tired and hungry. They miss their families. Those who live in the areas are losing their homes to these fires. Everything they have worked for are being destroyed by the fires. And even animals are being rescued, with some having been burnt. They also are in pain.  

     There are several tropical storms either forming or have formed in the Atlantic. Hurricane Laura hit recently between Mississippi and Louisiana. Towns are having to recover. This week Hurricane Sally made landfall between Mobile, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida. Again, residents are having to rebuild. Several town have flooded. Rioting and chaos are also within the mix. Right has become wrong. Evil has become good. Churches are being persecuted in the United States. Our rights are being abolished by the radical left.

     And in the middle of all this chaos and violence is a revival happening in parts of the country. In less than two months, our country will vote on a President for the nation. There is tremendous controversy regarding the election. Our constitution and rights are being torn apart. There has been so much hatred toward our President. And he is fighting so hard because he loves this country. He has taken on so much abuse from enemies of our country. So what is this election about?

     It's about the spiritual condition of our country. Everything hinges on this election. For if we make the wrong choice, we as Christians will see unprecedented persecution here in America. We have been blessed to not experience the level of persecution that other countries have felt. We must as Christians vote right.

     There is a reason for all this. We're living during the last days. Christ is ready to burst onto the scene and take his children out of all this. If you're not serving the Lord, you will be left behind. And the tribulation will be far more worse than what we're seeing now. Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not, all you have to do is confess your sins to Jesus, ask him to forgive you and cleanse you from all sin. And believe that he has saved you from your sins.

     If you are a Christian and not living right, you too can experience new life by turning back to God. He loves us, and it isn't his will that any die and go to hell. He died on the cross and rose from the grave so we could have eternal life. Won't you come to him before it's too late 

Monday, July 10, 2023

A New Direction

I know it's been a while since I've worked on the blog. For that I apologize. There have been so many things going on in my life. And the devil has been on the rampage. He was able to defeat me, but the Lord has been gracious in his mercy towards me.

I feel led to switch gears. As many of you know, there is a lot of chaos, violence, floods, tornadoes, and many other natural disasters. Our country has split into many splinters, and evil seems to be taking over. 

The Lord said these things would happen during the last days, and we truly are experiencing the end of time. Christ is standing ready to step out onto the cloud to return for his children. It won't be long now before we meet our Lord and Savior in the sky. When that happens, we his children won't have to suffer any longer. I would like to begin warning of what is to take place, and what is taking place now. 

I also would like to invite you to subscribe to this blog. It is free, and comments are encouraged. I want to know what you think. I want you to think as this being your blog, and not mine. Please send in prayer requests. I want to be able to pray for you and your needs. It is my desire to see lost souls saved. If you would like the blog to be sent to your inbox, please let me know and give your email address. 

As always, if you haven't received Christ as your Lord and Savior, please do so now. Trust me, you don't want to go through the tribulation. If you need a closer walk with Jesus, as I do always, I hope the blog will be a blessing to you and will encourage you to strive for a closer walk with him.

Monday, January 9, 2023

What Will You Do With Jesus?


Two thousand twenty-two is gone, and we're now in the year two thousand twenty-three. What a year we went through. We tend to look at the new year as though all the heartaches and trouble from last year will disappear. The new year is a clean slate.

I wish that was the case. Unfortunately, long term diseases such as cancer can linger on into the new year. Nations continue to be at war with each other. Our nation continues to have exorbitant inflation. Last week as I prepared my grocery list and looked at some of the prices online, I was shocked. Yes, I knew the price of groceries, gas, and many other things were high. But I was shocked when I learned that one- and one-half dozen eggs cost six dollars. WOW!

So why am I talking in a negative way? It's reality. We're taught in the Bible that everything will get worse. But God! will provide a way out of these conditions. Rather than look at all the bad things happening, let's look on the bright side. 

Everything that's happening is a sign that Christ is coming back for his children. We can't predict when he will return, but when he does, those of us who are Christians will be taken out of all this mess. We'll be safe and secure for all eternity.

But what about those who are left behind? First, right now, before it's too late, you can give your heart and life to Jesus. He will save you from your sins. But can those going through the tribulation be saved? Yes. But like now, you still have to make that final decision. You must choose between Christ or taking the Mark of the Beast. 

If you take the Mark of the Beast, there is no turning back. You will be forever lost. Hell was not created for us. It was created for the devil and his angels. But when we reject Jesus, we're choosing to serve Satan and will be with him in hell for eternity.

That's why I plead for those who are lost to ask Christ to forgive them of their sins. If you're like me and need a closer walk with Jesus, then begin this year spending time alone with the Lord. It's time to decide. What will you do with Jesus?

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. Hope each one had a good Christmas. This past year has been exciting. There have been rumors of some stores not having enough food on their shelves. Some companies are going out of business due to inflation and difficulty shipping items go other parts of the country. There have been hurricanes on the east coast, as well as flooding. Do you think the world is about to end?

 It's very possible. Only the Lord knows what will happen in the future. One thing's for sure. The return of Christ is closer than ever before. The signs are pointing for his glorious return. He's the King of kings and Lord of lords. He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He's the Savior of the world. He was born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose from the grave, and ascended up into heaven. And he will come back for his Bride to take us to heaven to live with him for eternity.

Aren't you glad no one can find him in the grave? Go look into Mohommed's grave. All you see are bones. Even Budha remains in the grave. The only tomb that doesn't have anyone in there is Jesus. For he rose from the grave. The Roman soldiers started the lie, saying the disciples stole Jesus' body from the grave and hid it. How can that happen if people saw him walking on the earth three days after his burial? I'm here to tell you the Lord Jesus is alive and well, and he's coming back to take us to heaven.

We just celebrated Christ's birthday on Christmas day. Do you know when he was truly born? There are various theories as to when he was born. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that he lives in our hearts. It's amazing that the Lord is so big he holds the world together, including the universe, in his hands, but yet small enough to live within our hearts. 

Guess what? He may rapture us tonight before midnight. And we won't have to live in this world that's filled with so much trouble, war, and chaos. Country fighting country. Races fighting each other. Destruction on every hand. Russia, Iran, and China surrounding Israel through their allies. Just waiting for the chance to destroy the Jews. But God! will not allow anyone to defeat his chosen people.

Are you ready to meet him in the air? If not, then give your hearts and lives to Jesus. Confess your sins and come to him right now. He will never leave or forsake you. Your family/friends may turn against you. But Christ will go with you through the turmoil. 

If you're not walking as close as you can, then turn to him. He will be right by your side. You can tell him anything. I know what I'm talking about. I have fought him for months about writing for him. I turned a deaf ear. I allowed my thoughts to travel in different directions. But Jesus kept knocking at my heart's door. I finally let him back into my heart. Aren't you glad he saves us from sin? Aren't you glad he never gives up on us? Praise the Lord. 

I could go on and on. Come to him now with all your heart. See you next year. 

Monday, September 26, 2022





As you may be aware, microchips have been used for a number of years, especially

Monday, March 21, 2022

The Call of God

You applied for the job. Attended the interview. You feel good about the prospect of being selected for the job. You finally get the call. You will start working the next week. After a few days, you receive the work assignment you've been waiting for.

As Christians, we're called by Christ to do something for his kingdom. He has given you certain skills and abilities and a desire to work within a vocation. Some people are called to be pastors, missionaries, doctors, and even writers.

But have you ever stopped doing what the Lord called you to do? I have, and it isn't fun. There's the knowing that you're disobeying him. Knowing the conviction on your heart. You not only feel the stress, but also the anxiety, depression, not knowing his presence in your life. It's terrible.

There was a time when I would read the Bible ALL the time. It had always been my heart's desire to serve him. To do whatever he had called me to do. But I stopped reading the Bible, stopped spending time alone with the Lord. 

I had gotten to the point I couldn't rest at night. It was a struggle to get up each morning. Each time I prayed, I was asking for forgiveness to my disobedience, for not doing my devotions. 

Then last Saturday night I became afraid. The fear wasn't about anything or anyone in particular. I was having an anxiety attack. I contacted the ladies at my Church and asked them to pray. As I got ready for bed, a peace came over me.

Then yesterday, during the song service, as I played, I began to feel the Lord in my music. When that happens, I use musical techniques I'm unable to use on a regular basis. Then during the sermon, the Preacher said to do whatever it is the Lord has called you to do.

Once again, the Lord was speaking directly to me. I knew I had to not only get back into singing specials at Church but begin wiring again. 

Has the Lord called you into a particular profession? Are you obeying the Lord's command? If like me and you're disobeying the Lord, please ask his forgiveness. Obey him and do what he has called you to do? Do you have special skills/abilities but not saved? Then give your heart to the Lord. Accept his forgiveness. Then do what he has called you to do.